This is our Cancellation Policy that is applicable to all of our travel service.
Cancellation Flow
- Please inform us your cancellation by Email.
Cancellation by phone call is not acceptable in any cases.
- In the case that the cancellation charge has imposed, please pay the cancellation charge in 7 days.
Cancellation Charge
Central Java
Cancellation Deadline|15:00 of 1 day before of your tour day
Cancelled before Cancellation Deadline | Free of Charge |
Cancelled after Cancellation Deadline | 30% of Total Tour Cost |
Cancellation after your tour began | 100% of Total Tour Cost |
Cancellation Deadline|15:00 of 3 days before of your tour day
Cancelled before Cancellation Deadline | Free of Charge |
Cancelled after Cancellation Deadline | 30% of Total Tour Cost |
Cancellation after your tour began | 100% of Total Tour Cost |