This is our Cancellation Policy that is applicable to all of our travel service.

Cancellation Flow

  1. Please inform us your cancellation by Email.
    Cancellation by phone call is not acceptable in any cases.
  2. In the case that the cancellation charge has imposed, please pay the cancellation charge in 7 days.

Cancellation Charge

Central  Java

Normal Season

Cancellation Deadline|15:00 of 1 day before of your tour day

Cancelled before Cancellation Deadline Free of Charge
Cancelled after Cancellation Deadline 30% of Total Tour Cost
Cancellation after your tour began 100% of Total Tour Cost

High Season

Cancellation Deadline|15:00 of 3 days before of your tour day

Cancelled before Cancellation Deadline Free of Charge
Cancelled after Cancellation Deadline 30% of Total Tour Cost
Cancellation after your tour began 100% of Total Tour Cost